Zip Code 89012 Henderson Real Estate demographics show the population has a significant number of people aged from late 20’s to their early 40’s, 89012 zip code Henderson homes for sale has luxury homes like MacDonald Ranch, MacDonald Highlands and Dragonridge Country Club. 89012 Zip Code is comprised of several neighborhoods including some luxury estates like MacDonald ranch. 89102 has both Las Vegas Homes and Condos.
The zip code 89012 has a wide range of home values all the way into the multi millions.
89012 Zip Code Facts
89012 Statistics
- 89012 covers approx 10.98 sq miles
- 89012 population per the 2010 Census was 29,085
- 89012 Number of Housing Units per 2010 Census was 12,164
89012 Zip Code Real Estate Statistics
3 Bedroom Townhouses
- 4
- $1,850,000 to $2,399,000
- $2,250,000
- $617
- 47
1 Story Homes
- 57
- $525,000 to $22,900,000
- $7,500,000
- $1049
- 74
2 Story Homes
- 102
- $524,500 to $75,000,000
- $619,900
- $943
- 85
3 Story Homes
- 10
- $1,125,000 to $28,750,000
- $15,900,000
- $1137
- 53
Lots Over 1 Acre
- 19
- $575,000 to $7,845,930
- $2,990,000
- 1.5816
- 384
Lots Under 1 Acre
- 23
- $975,000 to $3,841,740
- $2,650,000
- 0.5724
- 202
89012 Zip Code Homes and Condos For Sale