89103 Zip Code Las Vegas real estate has a large population density and is in the Southeast part of Las Vegas. The age demographics for Las Vegas zip code 89103 is primarily in the late 20’s to early 40’s range. 89103 Las Vegas homes for sale has a large number of single adults.
89103 Zip Code Facts
89103 Statistics
- 89103 is 3.5 miles wide and 2.8 miles tall
- 89103 covers approx 6.7 sq miles
- 89103 population per the 2010 Census was 50,519
- 89103 Number of Housing Units per 2010 Census was 27,455
89103 Zip Code Statistics
1 Bedroom Hi-rise
- 11
- $507,888 to $599,888
- $548,888
- $470
- 29
2 Bedroom Hi-rise
- 22
- $515,000 to $13,280,000
- $515,000
- $743
- 54
3 Bedroom Hi-rise
- 3
- $820,000 to $4,250,000
- $820,000
- $750
- 7
5 Bedroom Hi-rise
- 1
- $4,750,000 to $4,750,000
- $4,750,000
- $1313
- 184
1 Story Homes
- 4
- $534,999 to $785,000
- $549,900
- $321
- 62
2 Story Homes
- 8
- $520,000 to $575,000
- $559,999
- $250
- 72
89103 Zip Code Homes and Condos For Sale