89134 Zip Code Las Vegas Real Estate is comprised of Summerlin Las Vegas Homes and Condos primarily in a single age restricted neighborhood known as Sun City. Sun City was built by Del Webb. There are other neighborhoods in zip code 89134 that aren't part of Sun City and are not age restricted. Statistics on this page are sourced from Salestraq and Altos Research.
89134 Zip Code Facts
89134 Statistics
- 89134 is 3.5 miles wide and 2.9 miles tall
- 89134 covers approx 6.6 sq miles
- 89134 population per the 2010 Census was 24,040
- 89134 total housing units in 2010 was 12,884
Existing Home Closings
- 2017 - 1,039 - Up 06.9% vs 2016
Existing Home Median Price
- 2017 - $281K - Up 09.9% vs 2016
Existing Home Avg $ per Sq Ft
- 2017-$178.85 - Up 09.9% vs 2016
89134 Zip Code Homes Statistics
2 Bedroom Townhouses
- 5
- $515,000 to $569,900
- $527,274
- $320
- 34
3 Bedroom Townhouses
- 10
- $507,424 to $799,000
- $616,371
- $302
- 40
1 Story Homes
- 87
- $510,000 to $3,499,999
- $525,000
- $393
- 34
2 Story Homes
- 25
- $539,000 to $19,500,000
- $1,100,000
- $600
- 39
89134 Zip Code Homes and Condos For Sale