89135 Zip Code Las Vegas Real Estate is comprised mostly of Summerlin Las Vegas Homes and Condos. The 89135 zip code has some of the most expensive homes in Summerlin. Summerlin is one of the largest master planned communities in the USA.
89135 Zip Code Facts
89135 Statistics
- 89135 is 7.6 miles wide and 9.1 miles tall
- 89135 covers approx 45.6 sq miles
- 89135 population per the 2010 Census was 24,144
- 89135 Number of Housing Units per 2010 Census was 11,577
89135 Zip Code Homes Statistics
1 Bedroom Low-rise Condos
- Homes for sale: 1
- Prices: $595,000 to $595,000
- Median Price: $595,000
- Avg $ per SqFt: $437
- Avg days on mkt: 56
2 Bedroom Low-rise Condos
- Homes for sale: 10
- Prices: $509,000 to $8,500,000
- Median Price: $789,900
- Avg $ per SqFt: $2144
- Avg days on mkt: 109
3 Bedroom Low-rise Condos
- Homes for sale: 12
- Prices: $564,000 to $1,449,000
- Median Price: $799,900
- Avg $ per SqFt: $439
- Avg days on mkt: 43
4 Bedroom Low-rise Condos
- Homes for sale: 1
- Prices: $1,825,000 to $1,825,000
- Median Price: $1,825,000
- Avg $ per SqFt: $568
- Avg days on mkt: 0
2 Bedroom Townhouses
- Homes for sale: 7
- Prices: $510,000 to $849,900
- Median Price: $542,500
- Avg $ per SqFt: $304
- Avg days on mkt: 12
3 Bedroom Townhouses
- Homes for sale: 20
- Prices: $512,000 to $898,000
- Median Price: $609,989
- Avg $ per SqFt: $324
- Avg days on mkt: 52
4 Bedroom Townhouses
- Homes for sale: 2
- Prices: $669,900 to $739,000
- Median Price: $739,000
- Avg $ per SqFt: $307
- Avg days on mkt: 104
5 Bedroom Townhouses
- Homes for sale: 1
- Prices: $17,900,000 to $17,900,000
- Median Price: $17,900,000
- Avg $ per SqFt: $2549
- Avg days on mkt: 100
1 Story Homes
- Homes for sale: 70
- Prices: $530,000 to $5,895,000
- Median Price: $669,990
- Avg $ per SqFt: $590
- Avg days on mkt: 41
2 Story Homes
- Homes for sale: 76
- Prices: $519,999 to $32,000,000
- Median Price: $719,000
- Avg $ per SqFt: $739
- Avg days on mkt: 51
3 Story Homes
- Homes for sale: 4
- Prices: $549,900 to $14,500,000
- Median Price: $995,000
- Avg $ per SqFt: $985
- Avg days on mkt: 77
Lots Over 1 Acre
- Lots for sale: 5
- Prices: $8,950,000 to $30,000,000
- Median Price: $14,999,000
- Avg Lot Size(acres): 1.5560
- Avg Days on Market: 202
Lots Under 1 Acre
- Lots for sale: 3
- Prices: $7,995,000 to $10,000,000
- Median Price: $10,000,000
- Avg Lot Size(acres): 0.7533
- Avg Days on Market: 88